Monday, August 29, 2011

Jogless Stripes

It seems "we" don't use stripes, as in alternating colored yarns, enough to keep methods in the brain.  After yet another discussion, I thought I'd share this that just came to my attention from Knitting Daily today.

Here's a great method for working stripes in the round and avoiding the jog.  Jogless Stripes: When knitting stripes in the round, one of the downfalls is the jump in color where one round transitions to the next. Knit one round in the new color. At the beginning of the next round, insert the right needle tip into the left leg of the stitch in the row below the first stitch of the round (old color stitch) and place this stitch on the left-hand needle (figure 1). Knit this stitch together with the first stitch of the next round to raise the color of the previous round to the height of the new round (figure 2). Do this at the beginning of every round that involves a color change.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Here's the full Knitting Daily Blog on the subject, plus patterns.

So simple it's hard to believe it can be forgotten!! LOL

I DO believe that these things go in spurts:  I'll go a year or more and not make stripes with separate yarns, then it seems I'm doing it ALL the time.
I thought I was doing it correctly by slipping the stitch but this proves it's not so nice.

And  here's my attempt at fixing it.
I have two other stripes I "could" fix farther down. We'll see how I feel when I get around to that point again...



Sunday, August 28, 2011


Because I can.... I started something new.  In MY defense:  I'm using yarn from my stash, purchased two years ago.  I remember the moment:  I went to the wall of yarn, placed my fingers on it, and it was love at first touch.  I bought enough for some unplanned project, and now I have it. 
I was encouraged by a certain blogger who is knitting a light-weight cardi which reminded me of the light-weight cardi I knitted last Fall.  It's now 4,000+ miles away, and I thought to myself:  Self, no more mourning.  Start a new one. 

It's a lacy "dahlia" on the back, and yummy Alpaca (sport weight) from DROPS.
See Interweave Knits, Fall 2011.  (Ravelry link.)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Back by popular request:

Here's a link to that infamous video we keep referring to:
It's Eunny Jang demonstrating how to do jogless stripes, and amazing everyone with her speed knitting. (This time I'm going to label it properly so it SHOULD turn up in my search blog feature.)

I'm working on "jog-less" cupcakes;  I've really got it down now. Last night at Knit Nite, someone commented that it shouldn't be possible to work on colorwork and talk, too.  True, but this being technically my 5th mitten in cupcakes, it works.  Works so well in fact that I knitted too far, and had to pull out 2 rows.
  I'm leaving off the riff-raff edge stitches which don't line up (because of the above mentioned "jog") and making it purely cupcakes.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mitten Picture

The third time knitted mitten is a fast knit.   :)  
Fewer stitches!  And I have changed up the colors and am finally happy with what I see.
Mitten on the left is the newest edition.  Mitten on the right is too narrow in the cuff and too wide in the hand (therefore, frogged).
Cupcakes, in my dreams!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Mittens Over and Over Again

Remember last March?  The infamous contest to finish 3 projects?  And nothing got done?  I exaggerate:  One got finished on the deadline, number 2 finished about a month ago, and number 3?....  It's turned into a saga.  The cupcake mittens re-invented to include a clever convertible flap.
I have great respect for designers, and pattern creators, but this is getting ridiculous:  I have planned, measured and knitted those mittens through the thumb increase twice, and am hoping beyond all hopes that "three times' a charm".  This time, I'm salvaging the ribbed cuff.  I don't remember why it didn't work out last time, but last night I discovered that the thumb increase wasn't the only thing that made them look gigantic... it's got to be the stitch count.  One less cupcake on front and back... I'll be done by.... March 2012.  Oh, my!!
And for those 'in the know', the masked blogger is back.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Loads of Yarn

In June I returned home with a 'boat-load' (or plane-load/suitcase-load) of yarn.  Leftover yarn from years of projects--other people's projects... don't ask.

I don't mind... I have a few more places to store un-loved yarns, however, it makes me itchy to use it.  In fact, I have this thing...(somebody, please analyze me kindly) that I would rather use yarns that are recycled and partially used skeins than start a project with brand new/newly purchased yarn.  I'm sure you are putting together yesterday's "thrifty" blog with today's information about my psyche (and my daughter and her friends are rolling their eyes) and thinking I'd be a great candidate for some treatment!  Bring it on-- I've perfected these flaws over my many years.
Do you think this is the same syndrome that makes me obsessive about eating all of the broken chips out of the bowl before the perfect, whole ones?  Anyway, back to knitting.

I brought back a boat-load of colors of mostly the same weight yarn.  One skein of each color, I have been eager to find a nice fair isle that would use them.  I found it!  A pattern that would use 5 of those colors, leaving only another 15 to find a purpose. Here is the beginning of a toddler pullover:
The original pattern uses a white background, but... I didn't have or want another white sweater.  In the same magazine there was much information on choosing colors, and they showed how the color intensity really shows true if the photo is black and white.
You can see that the lighter pink is almost the same as the light purple, which isn't "good" in their terms.  Oh well. Before I started, I lined up all the balls of yarn, took their picture and turned it black and white to look at the contrast.  I didn't notice how close they were then.

It's fun with so many colors, and so fulfilling to use up small amounts of color! STASH-BUSTING!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Re-useable Yarn!

One of the nicest things about creating with yarn is its resiliency.  I'm a thrifty daughter-of-a-scot, and my father had quite the reputation for being able to assemble workable farm equipment from parts.  Very ... thrifty!  I'm sure he kept many tractors from the salvage/landfill yards, just as I'm keeping wool from the compactor!
 It started last June as my daughter pointed out that she didn't need another purple scarf and I was involved in the fascinating pattern of reverse (or two-sided) cables, and knitting up her yummy cashmere.  
I 'know' I have a picture, but the only one I can find is here, on Ravelry.
It was a lovely scarf;  errr... Two scarves!  I had one almost complete, and my daughter had made one of the same yarn years earlier. 

Using the yarn doubled, it makes a nice squishy cashmere vest:  (unfinished)

The pattern is "Eco Vest" and the next step is to add front panels and collar.  Alas, it will be an 'alternative' yarn, because I don't have any more cashmere...  Even though this sounds very familiar (see yesterday's blog), I fully was aware of this.  When I started it in June, I knew I wouldn't have enough and bought an alternative yarn.
Almost as yummy and squishy:

That was purchased 2 months ago, and almost immediately I found myself taking the sleeves off another purple sweater, making it a vest, and the sleeves... well, here's another re-useable yarn.  I have unraveled one sleeve since I'm not sure I'll need both.  This is the third or thirteenth most yummy of yarns:  Elsebeth Lavold's Angora.
By using once knitted cashmere and once knitted angora, I'll have taken "Eco Vest" to the next level of Ecology!  N'est ce pas?

Link to My previous Blog on this project!


Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy Endings!

Doesn't matter:  Happy or Sad endings;  I cry.  This had me crying for both occasions.
Sad:  I ran out of yarn.   Happy:  End results are ALL good!

At the end of Knit Nite last week, I was left with no yarn for my sweet 3 color/tiered cardigan.  As everyone left and I was sitting alone finishing the second sleeve, there was this sudden jolt when the yarn slipped from my fingers and I realized it was the end of the ball.
Then the second jolt of anger of being tricked into thinking this wasn't what it seemed and I started thrashing around to find that "next" ball that HAD to be lurking there... in the bottom of...  Then I remembered that a friend was going to LYS (60 miles, one way) tomorrow and all would be right, IF they just happened to have that yarn, in that color.   
The next day brought the right color but the wrong yarn to my home.  
Question:  How different could they be?
Sublime:  extra fine merino wool dk,  and Sublime:  baby cashmere merino silk dk. Same yardage, same color ##... not exactly the same.  But it feels almost the same and was such a good match that I used it for the last few rows at the top of one sleeve (where I honestly have been looking but can't see a difference) and for the neck and front edges (where I have looked and can easily see a difference).  
It sure is a cute sweater... have to get it on that 2 year old before she grows!
 Yarn:  Cashmere Merino Silk DK by Sublime Yarns
DK / 8 ply  75% Merino, 20% Silk, 5% Cashmere, 127 yards 
 plus  Extra Fine Merino Wool DK by Sublime Yarns
  DK / 8 ply 100% Merino, 127 yards  

I detest sewing on buttons, but ... has to be done.  I found thread in Fjord Blue that matched nicely.
And here's one more for inspection, to look for the mismatched yarn.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Socks! The Perfect Project

As I finish up my newest cardigan, and somehow find challenges EVERY time I do some knitting project, I start to wonder why I have these challenges at all.
Afterall, I'm, what I consider, an experienced knitter... Maybe I think of myself too highly.  I generally have some obstacle to overcome.  (Varying sizes of cables and running out of yarn to name two problems in the past month.)  Maybe I deserve the label "intrepid" knitter... not experienced.
This leads me to believe that socks are the only items I knit that are relatively problem-free.  I counted up 15 sock projects in the past 30 months, and I remember only one of them having to be ripped back and re-knitted.
I 'heart' socks....  In a stress-free world, there would be only socks for knitting!  Hmmm. I'll think about that.
Ravelry Link to My Socks

Friday, August 12, 2011

New Face, and New and Old Projects

Our "Knit One, Drink Too" group has a new face:  Granddaughter to Kee joined us, and she's going to show us up!  Resistant to knitting for a number of years, she has returned from college with new talents... and we welcome that!
Look at her lovely projects, as a "new" knitter!!  OK!!!!!  How about some more "!!!!!!"'s.!!!!!
Shawl wrap, with wonderful cables:
 First socks (amazing talent--could Grandma have anything to do with that?)
Meanwhile, Dee and Jee are (ahem) finishing up on the baby blanket...One more row, please!
And the never ending "knit while you talk" socks:
Grandma Kee is diligently progressing with yet another purple garment...
Elsebeth Lavold style:
 There was a little discussion on which is the right side.  The picture with the pattern looks most like what "we" think is the wrong side, and very boring, too.  We like this:
Now that it's getting near the end, and a bit too big to cart around, socks are in order, with a few explicatives thrown in...  We try to ignore such behaviors and hope it isn't contagious.
I kept busy with my little sleeve, and no sooner had everyone left, and I decided to finish the sleeve, my yarn came to an end, and I was done sooner than I thought!

What bind-off?  The end of THAT story will be tomorrow.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

One more Post for Powell

Finished (again)...  I thought my Pink Powell Pullover was finished yesterday, but when I put it on the hanger, the neck seemed a little tight.  I took out the bind-off row and used a picot edging (M1, bind off 3, repeat) and it's perfect.  Adds a bit of girly finish to a hot pink pullover.
For other blogs about this project:  See Peer Pressure and Much Ado!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Much Ado!

The Pink Powell Pullover, which is a pattern that no Ravelry member has confessed to knitting, has been quite the challenge for me.  Of course, anyone who knows me, assumes that I didn't use the prescribed yarn weight and had to adjust all the numbers...  but even so!
There was the cable down the front that was 're-cabled' and the endless seed stitch, which led me to believe that a 2T size is enormous!  (Those little ones keep growing!)
Here's a few more trials that have been laid to rest:
The collar:
The original calls for seed stitch continued along with the cable, but when the collar folds over you see the back of the cable.  I found this fixable, errr, so I fixed it ....a few times.
First: Used stockinette and a reverse-side cable.  The reverse stockinette shows.
What I didn't like:  The stockinette rolled too tightly.  Rip...  Try again.
A combination of garter and stockinette.  Enough garter to straighten it just a tad.  (Sorry about the color.... It truly is a hot pink!
OK.   I'm happy with the collar.  Next:  Sleeves.
The sleeve opening didn't look proportionally large enough for the size.  I thought that the sleeves were wide enough at the top, but I changed my mind when I saw the body finished.
Fix:  Open up the sides a bit more,
and add a diamond (gusset) patch underarm.
Turned out rather well, I think.
The posing of the above picture pointed out that I might have another problem.  Might-- meaning, until the pullover is pulled over a little head, I won't know if the bind-off at the neck/collar is too tight. I noticed it when I put it on the hanger. I thought I was done, but I'm going to trouble-shoot and do a looser bind-off, so I won't have to fret!
May your projects be problem-free!

Pattern:  Powell, by Mags Kandis from Mission Falls Wee Knits 3;  Yarn: Cotton Rich DK by Cascade Yarns, DK / 8 ply 64% Cotton, 36% Nylon, 135 yards

Monday, August 8, 2011

Flash Knit Mob!

If you haven't seen it, you should!  Brings tears to my eyes... Here's Sock Summit 2: (With Stephanie aka Yarn Harlot in front row, yellow shirt on the right.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Half A Pair

Socks... gotta luv 'em.
They are so cool, to knit, to transport, to wear;  too bad they come in pairs.  I know the solution, or quasi-solution:  Knit two-at-a-time.  I like to do that BUT there goes a degree of their transportability:  Two sources of yarn, twice as much hanging on the needles... I usually knit just one at a time to carry with me.
Here's my newest triumph:
 Cute little tie in the back!  Surprised me, because I didn't notice it in the picture of the pattern.

Pattern:  #29 Lace Socks by Star Athena from Vogue Knitting, Spring/Summer 2009;
Yarn:  Regia Design Line Hand-dye Effect by Kaffe Fassett by Schachenmayr nomotta  Light Fingering / 3 ply 70% Wool, 25% Nylon, 5% Acrylic, 459 yards
I really like the pattern, and I love the colors of the yarn.  The fiber is a bit rough, but my foot doesn't seem to mind!  One more sock to go.  Will the colors line up the same?  Should I try?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Peer Pressure

I asked;  they spoke!
Lunch with knitting friends, show and tell;  I showed, they told...
Knowing that their keen eyes would spot my goof, I 'fessed up as I showed my Pink Powell Pullover.  Size 2T, with a gigantic cable down the front... I must have miscounted more than once and two of the cables were wonky.  They insisted I had reversed the cable (back to front crossover) and that it was going to "eat me up" until I went back and fixed it.  "No," I said.  "I'm stronger than that... it's gone too far... it's only a little pullover on an active playing child... it's not THAT noticeable (to the general public)."  And I continued to merrily knit-along. (The two obvious mistakes are marked with needles, in case there's any doubt in anyone's mind.  I must admit this morning, they don't look 'that' bad...)

Then it was later, evening, and I sat with it in my lap, smoothing it out as I often have, examining "how bad is it, really?" going through my mind for the 1,000th time, and I snapped.  Before I knew it, it looked like this:
UHGG-ly.  There's a lot of seed stitch going on... and THAT's not coming out.  I decided to bundle my rows, so I would know where every 10th row would fall (I was previously attempting to cable every 8th row having 'misread' the pattern earlier--I'm a mess, aren't I?  No comments, please.)
And an hour later (give or take an hour), I had this:
They are all the same size, except for the bottom two, and there's a little extra yarn on the left side of the cable pattern, and so it shall be!  Blocking and a little rough handling will even it out.  Peers: Thanks for a wonderful evening.  (You know who you are!)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Summer Knitting

& Sewing!
Can you believe it?  Once or twice a year, I get it in my mind that I'm a seamstress.  I used to be before the current decade of knitting infected me.
Last year it was a quilt that is hibernating in a box.  But before I finish that, I thought I'd make a stab at doll-making.  When my daughter was a little girl, I made all sorts of things.
Topsy Turvy Doll

A blonde and a brunette sharing the same body

I even have the leftovers of one of my favorite outfits.  The jumper (tunic) is long gone, but I still love that fabric.
With a gold thread...

My daughter (the creative starter) passed this one along to me a year or so ago.  She did such a great job on the skirt
Inside out:

Here goes my attempt.
I have a pattern made for the upper part of the dress, both sides.
We need more dolls as much as we "need" more sweaters.
I'm still poking along on my Pink Powell Pullover.  I added an "owl" to one sleeve to break the boredom of seed stitch.  I used black yarn for the eyes, but then found I couldn't hide the ends without them showing through the seed stitch.  So I used them as part of the outline, looking a little more like wings.  (Discuss!)
Owl on sleeve:  Black eyes, and black along sides
Maybe I need to outline it more. (I think it's obvious in real life...but not so much in this picture.)
And I'm rather excited about the look and feel of the tri-color cardigan.  Pattern and yarn purchased in Auckland last October.  I tell you, shop owners, make up a sample, and 'they will sell'.  It's going to be darling!!
The back - Tri Color Cardigan in two tiers

So much to do!  I think I'll take a nap...teehee


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