Monday, January 20, 2014

North Land

A knit fest without the necessary yarn!  Yes, dear friends, I knitted feverishly on my little girl's pullover and halfway up the hood I ran out of yarn.  So I'm on hold until a return to Bergen in two days.  It's looking fine!
The sun shines on the mountains in the distance every day, and yesterday it briefly streamed through the kitchen window.  (It's hard for me to NOT be excited...)
We went for a walk... on ice.  It's crazy to feel safer in a car than on feet, but with boots with studs, convertible studs, it was easier!   Easier than without, for sure...  These special boots are made with a stud section that lifts and twists to expose studs, and the bottom boot (a second pair that I used) has a flip over section.  Pretty smart!  And safe!
 The view over Snåsa... 

We made a quick stop and look into a traditional Sami dwelling.  It is part of a sensory garden at a nursing home.  There are sections of the garden for Samis and Norwegians.  The bright light at the floor is an air/bear hole.  M says that bear meat is not brought in the front door, but only through that hole.

The wind was blowing and makes the -5C feel at least -15C. 
Next:  New stripey socks.

1 comment:

  1. To make you feel better?? today it is minus 17 celcius ( about zero F). I have what I call 'icers' - a set of studs that fit on the boot with velcro -to put on my boots for walking on slippery streets.


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