Saturday, April 9, 2011

More Knitters at Night

Our hostess with KNON KNITTING.  She was a little busy keeping the cats out of the yarn heaven we had created.  What a gorgeous quilt!  This is the center, plus 14 blocks, all finished. Each one more stunning than the last one.
And Bee kept busy--creating yarn barf (check that gauge!)
Kee has lace and cables!
Here's the back, beautiful and ready for Spring.  She spent time knitting sleeves.  Can we expect to see it worn in two weeks?  YES, she can!
And MeeBee wishes the seam fairy would make a visit to her house tonight:
I'm so sorry I didn't borrow a camera soon enough to catch Loo's visit with combs in hand: Knitting without needles!  We certainly are branching out!  See Ravelry for her works-of-art.  Cupcakes, anyone?


  1. Your group is very creative too. Lovely quilt.

  2. Love the quilt and the lacy sweater. I need to start photographing my knitting group.


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