Sunday, September 13, 2020

Prize winners 2020

To the uninitiated eye, these look like ordinary masked women... but in reality, they are knitters/crocheters extraordinaire(s)!  We decided to NOT wait for the San Juan County Fair 2021 and host our own event.

Enjoying the 90º F backyard, awaiting the tallying of votes, patiently, we resisted the urge to just award EVERY entry a first prize.

A Table full of lovely items...and a line of more lovely items.  Lots of hands on here! Click to enlarge.

Not room on the line for all!

Everyone had something that was either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, and we all took home various white elephant gifts.  And feasted on Apple Pancakes and other treats, AND we took home produce from Jenny's and Callie's gardens. WIN-WIN-WIN!!

Muttering overheard (above):  "This is impossible to judge."

And the WINNERS are:  TWO BEST OF SHOW...  It was a tie!

Kay with Baby Sweater and granddaughter Jenn with a stunning silk shawl!

For closer looks at my articles, you'll have to go to Ravelry Here.


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