Monday, July 8, 2019

Traveling stitches

Naming techniques of knit stitches was discussed last weekend...Bavarian, twisted and traveling stitches can all mean similar things yet here's the ultimate traveler! Traveled hundreds of miles today and thousands more coming up... what a riot of colors! Certainly not a subtle craft when I pull it out of the bag.

At the Riga airport, I lost my points....SAD FACE!  And I was very grumpy, too.  Security said no knitting needles under 5 mm.  THAT'S US 8!  Huge!  Because I was traveling with knitters, of course, I had needles.  My tiny (indeed dangerous) 1.25mm and 1.5mm dpns were taken away which were actually in a project...(pulling them out took a deep breath and sigh) and the points were cut off, leaving the cable in this sock.  I didn't point out that my traveling companion (in another security line) had the same.

This was taken AFTER my friend offered her extra 1.5mm.
Some thoughts:  Maybe it wouldn't look so lethal if they had been separated.  In fact, the dpns were all nested together.  The Circular needle wasn't noticed in the first scan, but I offered them up for inspection before the second scan.  

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Water Here and Everywhere

A little info about rivers in the West and Southwest:
Even though this is dated in April, the same is true today.  Raging rivers... very soothing and noisy in Dolores, CO on our visit to the Dolores River Campground.  Big attraction:  Stay in a Conestoga Wagon.  Very cool, in fact, COLD in the night!  Used fan during the day (90ºs F) and heater at night.

Our Cowgirls in Mancos...


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