Five years ago I knitted an excruciatingly complex shawl. "Europa" Crescent...tiny needles, lace weight yarn, nupps, double decreases, you name it... it's all there! And I loved that shawl... even though I wore it mostly bunched up around my neck under a jacket where the lace features couldn't be appreciated. And I lost that shawl. I looked for it at the end of last year just as I wanted to pack it with me to Norway, and I was SURE it was going to shake out of a sleeve or hanger. But it hasn't, and I began moping...
No more than two minutes after completing my Mosaic Cardigan I went to my stash, and pulled out some lace weight I've had for YEARS, and I cast on---all 643 stitches for Europa Crescent II.
What have I learned from my past teeth-gnashing? The cast on has to be loose to get "points". So I dutifully used two needles, and so far...
looks like it worked. And don't forget the "lifeline"!
After the pointy section of Chart A, I remembered why there was teeth-gnashing five years ago. (Remember, Pattie? I had Europa I on the Pacific Ocean.) Nemesis chart B: Nupps. Since then, I attended a class with Nancy Bush, and she patiently showed us the beauty of nupps, and I swear I paid attention and I don't remember saying to myself that I would never do that again... however, trying to stick my needle through 4 stitches and 3 yarn overs to make one purl stitch umpteen times in the first row, I was having flashbacks of throwing a certain project overboard somewhere near the International Dateline.
By the time I was halfway through the second row of nupps, I recalled that I had resorted to a tiny crochet hook which would "more successfully" do the trick. I was still picking up stray loops, and picking up new (to me) vocabulary. But I persevered until the LAST row of nupps.
(Aside: Looking at the above photo, I don't have the capability of putting in a giant ARROW to point to the many nupps...and the thought crossed my mind--WHY was I putting myself through this pain when I really didn't see them? The truth...I remembered thinking the same thing 5 years ago, and when blocked, I could see them. I don't know if anyone else could but...)
So back to the last row of nupps. Another thought... I wonder if "lace" tip Addis are made just for this type of knitting...? And I went to my closet, pulled out the lace tip Addis, and... DANG! It worked. Now maybe, if I had started with lace tips, I wouldn't have thought of this as such an epiphany, but they sure made my LAST ROW of nupps less painful. Will I remember? Will I ever venture into nupp territory again? I hope I'm quicker to use "the right tool". Needles: 2.5 mm
Nupp: Into one stitch k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1.
Next row: Purl all 7 together to make one stitch.