Sunday, August 26, 2012

Museum Sitting

For the next few months, I'll be watching an exhibit at the museum. Every few days, I get to knit between sitting, wandering, observing and imparting my limited knowledge. It's titled New Mexico: 100 Years of Art. As everyone knows, this is a centennial year for New Mexico statehood, and this is a traveling exhibit in celebration of the event.
It's pretty awesome and I feel I'm doing my little part to help make it possible to exhibit, and it furthers my knowledge. There's no photography allowed so I had to fix the paintings to allow you to see the environment. The tour de force is an oil on canvas from 1964 by Georgia O'Keeffe. Although it's the most highly prized, I love the others. I'm all into satire and like "The Powers that Be".
I like to point that one out, but I really don't want to start a political discussion!

1 comment:

  1. Lucky you. I love the peacfullness in museums and art galleries.


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